Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Deja Vu, Always Due to Past Life Memories?

Have you visited a country or city for the first time in your life, but "feel" like you have been there before? Have you eaten something for the first time in your life, but "feel" like you had enjoyed that particular dish or snack before? Or even purchased an item just because it felt so hauntingly familiar even though you have never seen it in your life? When you have those experiences, you are having what is called deja vu.

What is deja vu?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary , deja vu, originated in French means:

1 a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time b : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before
2 : something overly or unpleasantly familiar

Why would one experience deja vu? Sure it is possible that you had had a particular experience that "felt familiar" to you when you were a very small child, before your long term memory had developed. Those kinds of experiences stay in our subconscious forever, regardless of age. But more times than not, when one experiences deja vu, it is due to past life memories coming through.  You may have had a life in Victorian England and had a favorite oak table that you sat at often enjoying your tea and biscuits. In this incarnation you may find yourself having a preference overall for modern style furniture.

But all of a sudden one day you walk into a furniture store, and notice this oak table that looks so hauntingly familiar. You experience many emotions while carefully examining the table. The first thing that would emerge from your mind would be "this table looks so familiar". Your curiosity becomes intense, and you are confused about your racing emotions at the same time. You immediately have a need to sit at that table on the oak chair, the same way you did in your Victorian life quite often. What would make you all of a sudden sit at that table? You don't even care for traditional style furniture, let alone Victorian. Why would someone who loves modern furniture be so attracted to this Victorian style oak table? Perhaps because you used to own a table that appeared similar to the one you had to sit at? You not only realized that the table looked familiar, but sitting at that table had a familiar kind of feeling to you. You try remembering a time when you were a guest at someone's home sitting at their oak table. You don't have any recollections. Perhaps you did when you were three years old? It could be. But more likely, memories from your past life in Victorian England had been triggered just by looking at that oak table. That is one example of having a deja vu moment.

Like I said before, not all of those deja vu moments are due to past life memories creeping through. Many deja vu moments can be triggered by experiences you had as a child that you are reliving again as an adult. However, even then that is not always the case. We may experience deja vu due to "remembering" what we had planned in this incarnation during our pre-birth planning session.

While you had been planning your current life in the mid-astral plane, you had made sure that a huge trip to Australia was going to happen. You planned to visit a particular spot in Brisbane. Yep, when we pre-plan our lives, we can plan out the nitty gritty details too. Then sometime during your life, that plan does occur. You all of a sudden have this "need" to visit Australia, especially Brisbane. You are walking in that area of Brisbane and all of a sudden that familiar feeling comes again. In this instance, the deja vu you would be experiencing would be due to a memory coming through during your time in the mid-astral while you were planning your life.

In other words, not all moments of deja vu are past life memories coming through. Many are memories that are coming through during those pre-planning moments or having had those experiences as a young child. However, I would have to say the majority of deja vu moments are likely past life memories coming through. Some are pleasant, some are not, some are neutral- yet all interesting. Makes you think hard as to why you are having a memory of something that you simply don't remember.

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